Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

who’s laughing now-Jessie J

Mummy they call me names
They wouldn’t let me play
I’d run home, sit and cry almost everyday
‘Hey Jessica, you look like an alien
With green skin you don’t fit in this playpen’
Well they pull my hair
They took away my chair
I keep it in and pretend that I didn’t care
‘Hey Jessica, you’re so funny
You’ve got teeth just like Bugs bunny’
Oh, so you think you know me now
Have you forgotten how
You would make me feel
When you drag my spirit down
But thank you for the pain
It made me raise my game
And I’m still rising, I’m still rising
So make your jokes
Go for broke
Blow your smoke
You’re not alone
But who’s laughing now
But who’s laughing now
So raise the bar
Hit me hard
Play your cards
Be a star
But who’s laughing now
But who’s laughing now
Cos I’m in L.A
You think I’ve made my fame
If it makes us friends
When you only really know my name
‘Oh Jessie, we knew you could make it
I’ve got a track and I’d love you to take it’
So now because I’m signed
You think my pockets lined
4 years now and I’m still waiting in the line
‘Oh Jessie, I saw you on youtube
I tagged old photos from when we was at school’
Oh, so you think you know me now
Have you forgotten how
You would make me feel
When you drag my spirit down
But thank you for the pain
It made me raise my game
And I’m still rising, I’m still rising
So make your jokes
Go for broke
Blow your smoke
You’re not alone
But who’s laughing now
But who’s laughing now
So raise the bar
Hit me hard
Play your cards
Be a star
But who’s laughing now
But who’s laughing now
She broke out of the box
Swallowed your prideqw
You got that ego cough
Let the haters hate
You’re like way too late
See I got a message from you
‘Hola, I’m proud of you’
‘Oh my god babe your voice is like wow!’
My reply: Who’s laughing now
Oh, so you think you know me now
Have you forgotten how
You would make me feel
When you drag my spirit down
But thank you for the pain
It made me raise my game
And I’m still rising, I’m still rising
So make your jokes
Go for broke
Blow your smoke
You’re not alone
But who’s laughing now
But who’s laughing now
So raise the bar
Hit me hard
Play your cards
Be a star
But who’s laughing now
But who’s laughing now
So make your jokes
Go for broke
Blow your smoke
You’re not alone
But who’s laughing now
But who’s laughing now
So raise the bar
Hit me hard
Play your cards
Be a star
But who’s laughing now

Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift

The way you move is like a full on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
You say my name for the first time, baby, and I
Fall in love in an empty bar

And you stood there in front of me just
Close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain

'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby
As the lights go down
Something that'll haunt me when you're not around

'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile
So reach out open handed
And lead me out to that floor
Well, I don't need more paper lanterns

Take me down, baby bring on the movie star
'Cause my heart is beating fast
And you are beautiful I could wait patiently
But I really wish you would

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain

'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby
As the lights go down
Something that'll haunt me when you're not around

'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile
I run my fingers through your hair
And watch the lights go out
Just keep your beautiful eyes on me

Gonna strike this match tonight
Lead me up the staircase
Won't you whisper soft and slow
I'd love to hate it
But you make it like a fireworks show

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain

'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby
As the lights go down
Something that'll haunt me when you're not around

'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile
Sparks fly, baby smile, sparks fly

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

2NE1 2nd Album

he album was leased on July 28, 2011,  YG Entertainment.
Track List:
  1. "I Am The Best" ("내가 제일 잘 나가")                     
  2. "Ugly "
  3. "Lonely" 
  4. "Hate You"
  5. "Dont Cry" (Park Bom solo) 
  6. "Don't Stop The Music" 

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Super Junior Mr.Simple Making The Video

 for ELF
슈퍼주니어 이것 좀 봐
거슬러 핏자국 mr.simple 슈퍼 주니어 동영상

가사를 여기를 클릭
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----Thank u ^--^m\/

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Cara Main Quiz Parampaa

Download Quiz Parampaa 1 full version klik disini
Cheat Quiz Parampaa 1
1.Klik ” Mulai ”
2.Klik ” A ”
3.Klik lingkaran kecil di huruf ” i ” yg adaa ditulisan ” kecil ”
4.Klik ” AY ”
5.Klik ” B ”
6.Klik tulisan ” Yup! ”
7.Klik ” Jali ”
8.Klik ” ? ” yg sama dg gambar di atas
9.Ingat… langsung tekan OK
10.Klik ” b ”
11.Klik ” Mati ” Pada tulisan ” Matematika ”
12.Klik aja
13.Klik ” 13 ” Pada tulisan ” Level 13 ”
14.Klik ” Merah-Biru-Kuning-Merah-Hijau ”
15.Tekan ” Spasi ” di keyboard
16.Lari ke ujung kanan atas!
17.Gerakin cicaknya sampai ke tujuan.Jangan kena yg warna hitam
18.Klik huruf ” P A N D A ”
19.Klik ” 21 ”
20.Klik ” D ”
21.Klik ” E ”
22.Potong Kabel /Kertas merah di bom
23.Klik ” 23 ” di baris ke 3 dan ke 3 dr kiri
24.Pilih latar warna ” Merah-biru-kuning-merah-hijau ” ,Jangan di baca tulisannya!
25.KLik lingkaran oren ,trus kalo mau ke yg satu lagi ” mouse keluar dri area permainan trus masuk ke lingkaran satu lagi ”
26.Klik persegi panjang yg ” kiri bawah ”
27.Klik ” cicak ” yg ada di bawah 3 hati
28.KLik Black Hole .terus tekan terus mousnya sampai meteornya ga ada lagi ” nanti ada black hole merah ” terus klik black hole merahnya
29.susun puzzlenya,terus klik ” lingkaran ” yg di tunjuk panah
30.Klik ” 20 ”
31.Klik lingkaran oren.terus tekan mousenya terus, sampai ke lingkaran satu lagi
32.Klik ” TDAJ ”
33.Klik ” 100001 ”
34.Klik ” 3 hati ” yg ada di pojok kanan
35.Klik tombol ” merah-biru-kuning-merah-hijau ”
36.Drag tulisan ” level 36 ” .terus klik ” tombol ” di situ
37.Klik ” Zibba ”
38.Tembak ” cowo ”
39.Kliok ” level 39 ”
40.Klik di keyboard ” -> ”
41.Klik huruf ” ! ”
42.Jangan tekan apa2.tunggu sampai selesai
43.Klik ” Pulau Lombok ”
44.Tekan ” 1 ” Pda soal 1=5
45.Klik ” 45 ” Pada tulisan level 45f
46.Urutan nadanya adl C D E F G A B.Terus klik nada agar membentuk ” E G G ”
47.Tembak ” Cowo ”
48.Tulis jawaban ” 11 ”
49.Klik tulisan ” run! ” sampai kepitingnya hilang
50.Tekan angka ” 1 ” di keyboard
51.Lolosin kuncinya,jangan kena area berwarna hitam(Biasanya ada tulisan disitu)
52.Drag tanda (-) Ke tulisan level 52.nanti akan menjadi 5-2 terus di klik
53.tekan ” S ” di keyboard
54.Klik ” 5 ”
55.Ketik ” Anini ” di keyboard
56.Drag tulisan ” bulan ” ,terus klik jawaban yg ada di situ
57.Bolak balik mouse ditanda ” ! ”
58.Klik warna ” Kuning ”
59.Klik warna ” hijau-oren-ungu-hijau –merah ”
60.Klik huruf ” B O N O ”
61.Klik nada hingga membentuk kata ” C A G E ”
62.Jangan tekan apa apa!
63.Klik ” eve ” pada tulisan level 63
64.Klik ” Parampaa ”
65.Klik ” Mr.Krab-Smurf-The Simpson-Mr.Krab-Parampaa ”
66.Ketik ” one ” di keyboard
67.Klik ” Titik-Matahari-Pohon ”
68.Tekan ” F1-F4 ” Di bagian atas keyboard
69.KLik huruf ” A ” di tengah huruf heart
70.Kli jawaban ” 10 ”
71.Tekan ” Shift-6 ” sampai doraemon hilang
72.Tangkap angka ” 2 ” terus drag ke angka 7 pada level 7…
73.Klik ” disket besar-disket kecil-Flashdis-Kaset-Dan yg pertama? ”
74.Klik ” Lingkaran besar kuning tersenyum ”
75.tembak kata ” HER ”
76.Klik kanan mouse,terus nanti muncul mousenya,terus klik tengah huruf ” o ” ,ikutin tanda panahnya hingga ada lingkaran di sekitar tengah huruf ” G ” pada tulisan ” NGGAK ”
77.drag tulisan mouse ke lingkaran,nanti akan muncul kotak,terus drag lagi tulisan mouse-nya ke kotak terus tekan kotaknya
78.Klik pas lampu vilanya hidup
79.Tulis ” TRY AGAIN ”
80.tulis ” the cranberries ”
81.klik ” 13 ”
82.Klik saja huruf yg tertutup bom ” biasanya d f g h ”
83.klik di keyboardd ” ? ”
84. tekan waktunya pas ada tulisan ” s7op ” pada detik ke-3
85.ketik ” level 85 ” ketik ”smile" ketik ” you’re welcome ”
86.Klik bagian tengah lingkaran pada diantara angka 8 ,pada tulisan ” level 86 ”
87.Mouse keluar dari layar permainan,tunggu kuncinya masuk,pas udah masuk tekan ” enter ” di keyboard
88.Tekan ” F8 ” di keyboard,terus klik ” safe mode ”
89.tekan buku warna ” biru-ungu-kuning-ungu ”
90.Klik lambing dari ” baris pertama yg ke-3 ” dan ” baris ketiga yg pertama ”
91+.klik ” mana saja ”
91.gerakin orangnya dengan menggunakan ” Wa s d ” ,ambil kuncinya,masuk ke pintu
92.KLik warna ” hijau-merah-kuning-biru-merah ”
93.Hitung warna linkaran ” merahnya ”
94.Klik ” Budi ”
95.Klik ” lanjut? ” pada waktu latarnya berwarna ” Hijau ”
96.Klik ” mata-duri kepala-latar merah-rumput-bintik tangan ”
97.klik ” tombol merah ”
98.Sentuh terus ” bulatannya ” ,nanti yg terakhir ada di antara ” level 98 ”
99.klik saja ” orangnya ”
100.tulis ” 91483 “
Cheat Quiz Parampaa 2
Download quiz Parampaa 2 klik disini
109.KLIK “M”
112.klik “pojok”
113.drag tulisan “e el” pada tulisan “level 113″ sampai ke tanda bacanya,terus klik tulisannya
114.Tekan nada “7 dan 4″
115.Tekan saja,kalau lawannya itu kita harus apa utk menang?
116.klik yg bentuknya ” ”
117.pilih arahnya yg “terbalik”
118.tulis “yeyeyeyeye”
119.hitung burung yg “terbang”
120.klik “zb-yb-bb-gb”
121.tekan “kedua”
122.tekan “???”
123.tekan sesuatu yg ditunjuk “Wayang”
124.klik bagian tanda “+” yg pertama
125.klik “kaki ayam” terus klik “6″ pada tulisan “level 126″
126.tekan “bulan”
127.tekan “tomat” pada tulisan “monosodium glutomat”
128.klik “parampaa” yg tidak “berkedip”
130.klik nada “6 7″
131.sabar dulu…,klik warna yg ditunjukkan oleh tulisan “ini”
132.klik “danau’
133.klik tulisan “human”
134.klik “prancis”
135.tekan di keyboard “y”
136.tulis “namtab”
137.tekan “enter” di keyboard “13x”
138.tekan bagian dari “dua dari bawah yg bagian sebelah kanan”
139.tekan “spasi di keyboard”10x”
140.tulis “888-423-4200″
141.tulis “pecasndahe”
142.tekan “12″
143.tekan warna “kuning-merah-biru-kuning-pink”
144.bohong saja…
146.tekan di keyboard “\” “/”
147.tekan “tab” di keyboard
148.tulis “password”
149.tekan kota “palu” yg ada di tengah2 pulau “Sulawesi”
150.klik yg menghadap kek kiri yg ada Cuma kelingking,tengah,terlunjuk
151.tekan saja bolanya yg “tinggi”
152.drag tulisan “2″ pada tulisan “level 152″ sampai ke tanda “Titik” yg di sebelah tulisan “keliru”
153.klik yg berbentuk ” ”
154.klik “5MB”
155.klik “tembok besar cina”
156.tekan saja yg benar
157.tekan “524287″
158.tekan “aye-aye”
159.tulis “yoi, tentu saja”
160.Tulis “160″ terus nanti tulis “heritage\falsification\intervantion dll
161.cepat lari ke tmp tujuan!
162.tekan tanda “=”
163.tekan “merah putih,putih,putih,putih,air”
164.tulis “40″
165.tekan di keyboard tanda ” ke kanan,bawah,kiri”
166.tekan “spasi,enter,ener,spasi
167.tulis “13″
168.tekan “saturnus”
169.tekan “169″
170.tekan di keyboard “pampam”
171.itu Cuma gambar,drag saja,terus klik “parampaa”nya
172.drag garis yg utk loadingnya sampai penuh
173.klik “hati” yg paling “kanan”
174.tulis “yess!!”
175.tekan angka “4″ pada no 3.a ,tekan di maksud pada no 3.b, dan I sebelum tanda kurung pertama di no terakhir
176.klik “mata 11X”
177.tekan “#ff0000,#0000ff,#ffff00,#ff0000,#009900″
178.tekan di keyboard “+ 5x”
179.tekan “jasminum sambac”
180.tulis “Sheffield”
181.tekan “6″
182.munculin mousnya dg tekan kanan tekan “ok,close,ok”
183.tekan “telor\ayam”
184.tulis “melayang”
185.tekan “tikus”
186.tulis “mike”
187.tekan “bendera selandia baru”
188.klik lingkaran pada huruf “I”
189.”a, e, i, o, u, h, k, l, m, n, p, w, and” ` itu adalah huruf hawai
190.tekan “190″
191.tekan “7″
192.tekan di keyboard “ff00f”
193.tulis “bandit”
195.TEKAN “Parampaa” yg ada di “kado” paling atas
196.tulis “aisenodni”
197.tekan di keyboard dg shift “v,w,x,y,z”
198.tekan “kepala2″ yg ada di gambar
199.tulis “ucrut”
200.tulis “Leucopsar Rothschildi”
201.tekan “delapan 5x”
202.tulis “helmezet”

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Mr.Simple - Super Junior

SJ) Because you naughty, naughty, hey! Mr. Simple
Because you naughty, naughty, SUJU ganda!

KYUHYUN) Sesang-ee nae mamdaero ahn dwendago hwaman naemyuhn geuruhl piryo uhbji
SIWON) Guhkjuhngdo paljada jageun ire nuhmoo yuhnyuhnhaji malja mome johji anha

HEENIM) Suhngjuhgi johaddaga nappadaga geuruhn guhji mwuh heung! Shiljuhgi olladdaga dduhruhjyuhdda geuruhn ddaedo ijji
DONGHAE) Uhjjuhmyuhn gwaenchanha swiuh ganeun guhtdo joha modeun guhshi ddae ddae ddae ddae ddaega inneun guhnikka

YESUNG) Geudaega namjaramyuhn chingool manna sool han jane tuhruhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright

RYEOWOOK) Geudaega yuhjaramyuhn chingool manna sooda dduhruh nallyuhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright, Alright

SJ) Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)

SJ) Gaja gaja uhsuh gaja makyuhsseul ddaen doragaja golchi apa jukkeddamyuhn oneul harooman nolgo boja
Ahn geuraedo guhchin sesang jooguhra ddwimyuhn naman jichyuh gidaryuhbwa ahkkyuhdwuh bwa nuhui nari god oltenikka

SJ) Blow your mind gara Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha dooryuhwuh malgo
Blow your mind gaja Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha joonbi dwaejjanha

SUNGMIN) Sok ssuhkneun iri han doo gaji anin sesange woorin sara geuguhn aedo ara
LEETEUK) Mwuh iruhke uhryupna woori jal muhkgo jal jago ddo jarhamyuhn geuruhke hamyuhn dweji

RYEOWOOK) Geudaega hwaga namyuhn chingool manna dwitdamhwaro pooruhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright
EUNHYUK) Geudaega gweropdamyuhn norae boolluh sori jilluh nallyuhbuhrigo (Alright!) Alright, Alright

SJ) Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
LEETEUK) Jayooran ge mwuh geuri byuhlguh inna
DONGHAE) Just get it Get it
LEETEUK) Sosohan iltarui jaemi
RYEOWOOK) Doongdoongdoong koongkoongkoong
SHINDONG) Sarainneun geudael neukkigo shipna
DONGHAE) Just grab it Grab it
SHINDONG) Gaseum ddwineun nae kkoongdeurui yegi
RYEOWOOK) Doongdoongdoong koongkoongkoong
SJ) (Because you naughty, naughty)

KYUHYUN) Ije guhkjuhng hajima apen joheun nari ol guhya shimgakhan yegin da dwiro mirwuhdoogo
YESUNG) Oneureun balkge woosuhbwa geudaeui hwanhan wooseume modoo giboon jihajyuh

SJ) Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero muhtjyuh
Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple geudaeneun geudaero yeppuh (SJ Call!)

SJ) Gaja gaja uhsuh gaja makyuhsseul ddaen doragaja golchi apa juggeddamyuhn oneul harooman nolgo boja
Ahn geuraedo guhchin sesang jooguhra ddwimyuhn naman jichyuh gidaryuhbwa ahkkyuhdwuh bwa nuhui nari god oltenikka

SJ) Blow your mind gara Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha dooryuhwuh malgo
Blow your mind gaja Mr. Simple
Blow your mind ddaega wajjanha joonbi dwaejjanha

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Peter Pan Story

    Wendy, John, and Michael Darling lived in London. One night, Wendy woke to find a strange boy sitting on the floor who was crying.
"My name is Wendy," she said. "Who are you? Why are you crying?
"I'm Peter Pan," the boy replied. "I'm crying because my shadow won't stick to me."

"Don't cry," Wendy said. "We can fix that." And she sewed Peter's shadow to the tips of his shoes. Peter was delighted.
"Fly back to Neverland with me and my fairy, Tinker Bell," Peter begged. "You could be our mother and take care of us."
"Can you teach me to fly?" Wendy asked. Peter nodded.
"Let's wake John and Michael," Wendy said. "You can teach us all to fly and then we
will leave for Neverland !"
The children were soon flying around the room. then—Swoosh ! Out the window they all flew.
Wendy, John, and Michael flew behind Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, following the golden arrows that pointed the way to Neverland. Finally, they were flying over the island.
"The lost boys live with me and Tinker Bell. I'm their captain," Peter said. "The Indians live over there, and the mermaids live in the lagoon. And there are pirates too, led by Captain Hook."
"Pirates?" exclaimed Wendy, John, and Michael, all in the same breath. Wendy was frightened, but Michael and John wanted to see the pirates right away.
"Hook's the meanest pirate ever," Peter warned. "But he's afraid of the crocodile. The crocodile bit off Hook's hand and liked the taste so much that it follows him, hoping for more. Luckily for Hook, the crocodile swallowed a clock. It goes 'Tick, Mock, and warns Hook when the crocodile is nearby"
"Oh, my God r" cried Wendy, not sure if she really wanted to stay in Neverlanc: after all.

Peter led Wendy, John, and Michael to his house under the woods. They entered through a door hidden in an old tree stump. When the lost boys saw Wendy, they shouted, "Hooray ! Will you be our mother?"
"I'm only a little girl," Wendy answered. "I have no experience." But the lost boys looked so sad that she said, "I'll do my best."
That night Wendy tucked the boys into bed and told them the tale of Cinderella.
Life was pleasant in the cosy house under the woods.
Wendy took care of the boys, who explored the island during the day. At night, they gathered for meals, played make- believe games, and listened while Wendy told them stories.
One day, Peter and the children went exploring near the mermaids' lagoon. Suddenly Peter yelled, "Pirates ! Take cover." The boys ran away, and Peter and Wendy hid.
Peter and Wendy could see that the pirates had tied up Tiger Lily, the Indian princess. The pirates had left her on a rock in the lagoon.
Peter was afraid that Tiger Lily would drown when the tide came in. He had to save her ! In a voice that sounded just like Captain Hook's, he shouted, "Set her free !"
"But, Captain," the pirates yelled, "you ordered us to bring her here !"
"Let her go !' Peter roared, still sounding like Hook. "Aye, aye," the pirates said, and set Tiger Lily free. She swam quickly back to the Indian camp.
When Captain Hook found out what had happened, he knew Peter had tricked his pirates. Hook became furious!
That night, Wendy told the boys a story about three children who left their parents and flew to Neverland. Their mother and father missed them very much. The children loved Neverland, but they never forgot their home.
"Did they ever go back?" the lost boys asked.
"Oh, yes," Wendy replied. "They flew home to their mummy and daddy, and everyone was happy."
The story made Wendy, John, and Michael homesick. They decided to fly home the next morning. "If you come back with us," Wendy told the lost boys, I'm sure our mother and father would adopt you."
"Hooray !" shouted the boys, jumping with joy.
Wendy asked Peter if he and Tinker Bell would come home with them too. But Peter didn't want to live where grown-ups could tell him what to do.
Peter was sad that his friends were leaving. Still, he wanted the children to arrive home safely, so he asked Tinker Bell to guide them on their trip.
Early the next morning, Tinker Bell and the children left the house under the woods. But Captain Hook's pirates were hiding nearby. They captured all the children, tied them up, and marched them towards the pirate's ship.
Tinker Bell escaped, and hurried back to tell Peter what had happened.
"It's Hook or me this time !" yelled Peter to Tinker Bell as they flew off to save Wendy and the boys.
On the pirate's ship, Captain Hook demanded, "Who wants to become a pirate?" The boys shook their heads.
"Then make them walk the plank !" Hook roared. The boys tried to look brave, but they were afraid.
Suddenly, they heard the "Tick, Tock" of the crocodile. Now it was Captain Hook's turn to be afraid.
But the "Tick, Tock" was only Peter, imitating the crocodile-. He flew onto the deck and shouted, "I've got you now, Hook !" Captain Hook jumped up and swung at Peter with his sword. Peter was quick, and stepped away. He slashed at Hook with his own sword until they came close to the edge of the ship.
Peter lunged with his sword, and Hook fell into the sea, where the crocodile was waiting for him. And that was the end of Captain. I-look!
When Peter was certain that Hook was gone forever, he and Tinker Bell set off for London with Wendy and the boys.
Wendy's parents were happy to see their children again. Mr. and Mrs. Darling hugged Wendy, John, and Michael, and agreed to adopt the lost boys. They asked Peter to stay with them also, but he said, "I'm going to stay in Neverland where I never have to grow up."
"Goodbye then, Peter. We'll miss you," everyone called. Peter Pan and Tinker Bell waved goodbye and flew home to Neverland.

China Doll

     Mom says he'd come. I know he will not come. If he'd come, mother would not be crying. Would she? I wish you could see. No, I wish I hadn't seen it either. Now, you are Mother, what can I do that your hair is blonde? See, mother was sitting like this. Pull back your legs. Put your hands on your forehead. You won't be able to do it. Her shoulders were shaking, like this. The newspaper was in front of her on the ground. I can't cry like Mother. Dad could definitely do it. Uncle Naser can do it too if he decides.
That is why grown ups are grown ups; they can constantly say, "Don't cry, Maryam." Or, I don't know what, but for example say, "Why did you take the match, girl?" What does it matter that I took it. I don't start a fire. Do I? Dad was lovely, he never said, "Don't do it!" But why did he say, "I don't wish to see Maryam crying?" I do want to cry, but I know I shouldn't. Do dolls cry too? I know you can't, like Mother, like Grandmother, like Uncle Naser. If you could, why didn't you cry when that naughty Mehri broke my doll? I mean my glass doll. You just sat and looked at her, like now. Did you see how I cried? Grandmother said, "Don't cry, Maryam, I give it to chini band zan (China mender) to mend it."
"What would happen then?" I asked.
"It will be like when you bought it." She replied.
"No, I don't want that. It will be like that big teapot then," I said.
"If my daughter stops crying, Dad will buy her another one of these dolls, a big one," Dad said.
It was good that he did not buy me another one. If he comes I'd tell him not to buy it. I will not cry either. Do you remember how Grandmother was crying? I told you. She fell on Grandfather's grave with her black dress and cried. I cried too. Dad did not cry. Or perhaps he did, like dolls, like you when neither tears fall from your eyes nor any sound comes out of you. I couldn't. I was crying like mad. For I realized that Grandfather would never hold his walking stick horizontally asking: "Maryam, can you say how long is my walking stick?"
"Seven, Grandfather, seven," I would say.
"No, five, my little girl," he would say.
"Seven." I would say.
"Ten and a half and a little more," he would add.
"No, seven," I would insist.
"Measure it and see," he would say. And I did. He thought I did not know that as soon as my hand reached the end of his walking stick he would grab me and make me sit on his knees. I liked it too. I pushed my hand into his vest pocket and brought out his watch. Grandpa then opened its lid and put it on my ear.
"Your hands are so old, Grandpa," I said.
"That is how they are, old!" he said.
The back of his hand seemed strange, like his face. He said, "It is their fault!" He meant the hands of watches. He meant the red one that turned much faster than the others. Where is his watch now? Did they bury it with Grandpa? You wouldn't know. What about you Dwarfy? Suppose you are that dwarf. Keep coming and going. That's it. Now go to that side, now come to this side. Don't do it so much that it makes my head dizzy. O.K? Father was on the other side. I did not recognize him. Dwarfy, you stand here, it means you keep going and coming. Mother was holding my hand. She said, "What do you want the match for, girl?"
"I don't know, I said."
But now I know. I put the sticks next to each other. That is one; that is two. Mother and I are on this side of the matchsticks and Father on the other side. Dwarfy, you come between us. Now those who are on this side, that is us, should attack. Those who are on the other side of matchsticks should shout. Father shouted: "How is my Maryam? Send a kiss to Dad."
Now you Dwarfy, come close, close to me, here. So that Father would not see that I am sending him a kiss. Father said, I don't remember what he said. Mother was holding my hand. My father said, "My daughter should not cry."
"O.K. I am fine."
Father was not like Father at all. Like Dwarfy that does not look like father at all. If that naughty Mehri had not broken my Chinese Doll, I could put it on the other side, instead of Father, next to others who are on the other side, next to Father. Mother said, "Remember not to mention your doll."
"Mother, where is Dad then?" I asked.
"There he is. Behind that man. He is coming close.
Don't forget what I told you, O.K.?" Mother said.
"It wasn't Father. He seemed strange. I recognized him from his laughter. Then father said, "Maryam, send a kiss for your father."
I did say that he did not talk to me after that. He was talking to Mother. Now the Chinese Doll should say, "Esmat, I don't ever want you to beg these people." It should shout and repeat and point to Dwarfy. And you should say, "Then what? What will happen to you?" Then Father said, "What will be what? It is clear. They haven't cooked oblatory food! And no matter what happens you shouldn't let the child be bemoan." He meant me.
Then I don't know what mother said. She was shouting. Everybody was shouting. There was so much noise and everybody was shouting like when that devilish Hassan blows into his horn. No matter how much Grandma shouts, nobody understands who says what. She could say, "Esmat, wipe your tears. I don't want them to see you crying." And she had to point at the dwarf again. I didn't see Mom crying. I said, "Mom, I want you to pick me up."
Mother replied. I don't know, I don't remember. I wasn't tired. I just wanted to see that if mother was crying, would I start crying too. Mother wiped her eyes, like this. Now you Dwarfy, stand in front of us, me and mother and all the rest who are on this side. Stretch out your arms, like this. Now say this in loud voice: Madams, the time is up, please leave. Now turn back and say the same to Father and the rest. Say it; say something that would make them all leave.
Father had lost weight. But he laughed, like when he picked me up and tickled me under my arm. Like this. Now I can't laugh. Uncle Naser pulled naughty Mehri's ear and said, "What do you want from Maryam's dolls?"
Good for him. If my china doll were here, if Mehri had not broken it, it would turn and shake its hands now. I should do the same, like this. And then I should cry. Father wanted to come, but he couldn't. You, Dwarfy, go to the other side and don't let father go. Mother said, "Didn't your father say that you shouldn't cry?"
I wanted to. I always listened to Father. If he comes, even if pulls my ear like Uncle Naser, I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't hit Father ever either.
He said, "Hit."
I hit his ears. He laughed. "Hit hard," he said.
I hit one on this side and one on the other side, like this. Dwarfy, you fell. Father never fell. Get up. I hit softly, with fingers. I will hit Father like this, if he comes back. Perhaps he was hurt.
Grandmother constantly said, "All Mighty God, what will happen to my son now, if they say the truth?" "What do they say?" I asked.
"Grandma, you say these things in Maryam's presence?" Mother said.
Mother is bad, not always though; she is bad only when she doesn't let Grandmother talk, talk about Dad when she shouts, "Grandmother!"
She also says that when Grandma cries. But once she burst out crying in my presence. When Uncle Naser came, Dwarfy, you are Uncle Naser. Come here. You should stand by the door as soon as you enter the house. Come and hold this paper in your hand as though it is newspaper.
Mother said, "Now that you insist, open the door yourself."
Now, Dwarfy should throw it on the ground as soon as you see mother, like this. You do it too, do it really hard. But you can't. Look you should hit your head hard with both your hands and sit on the ground, like me, like Mom. Sit and say, "What a misfortune has befallen on me, brother?
Dwarfy hand me the newspaper. Mother kept turning the newspaper from one page to anther. Her hands were shaking. "Where is it, then?" She asked.
Uncle Naser ran to Grandmother's room. Now you read it. I don't know what. Just say something, like on the radio, or on Uncle Naser's TV. They sit like this and keep talking. Mother says, "They read from a text, see how they keep looking down." We can't see, but that is perhaps what they do. Mother wouldn't lie. But, she does; wasn't it she who said, "Dad has gone to the city of Abadan to buy one for you; you know we can't find it here, don't you?"
Uncle Naser said, "I'll buy her one myself."
"I don't want it." I said.
Of course I want it. If Dad buys, if Dad returns. He will not come back. Otherwise why did mother cry? She read and cried. Sometimes they smiled when reading newspapers. Like this. I can't smile now, like them.
Mom can't either. In the evening Uncle Naser came to me and caressed my head, my hair. You Dwarfy? No, I don't want you to caress my head. Uncle Naser did it in a strange way. I didn't want him to do that. Not that he was messing my hair, like that woman. The one, O.K. don't sulk, Dwarfy. Now you are that man. Your table is here, a very big table. Everything, I don't know is found on the table. Grandma and Mom and I entered the room. Uncle Naser did not come with us. He said, "You go, I wait for you in the ice-cream shop."
I said, "I go with Uncle Naser, too."
I didn't want ice-cream. Dad said, "Never say it. Never."
Mother said, "You should come with us. Do you understand? Don't forget to tell the man, 'I want my father.'"
Uncle Naser said, "Yes dear. When you return I'll buy you two ice-creams."
"I want it now." I said.
"Maryam!" Mother said.
You too say it loudly, "Maryam!" Hold my fist and pull me. And then knock at the door, a big door, now come a minute, Dwarfy. Look through the hole in my hand, at mother, at me too. Now, like Grandmother says things that I would understand too. It is like you and Mother and Grandmother and I have gone to see Dad. Say something. When the door opened, we entered. That man said. I don't know. He was tall. Much taller than Mother. He was fat too. Grandma said, "My poor son!"
She said softly. Now you, Dwarfy, you are that man, tall and very, very big; you have a moustache too. Smile and say: "Wait in that other room please."
Then a woman came. She was pretty, like my china doll.
No, that doll is Dad because it no longer is; it is Dad. That woman definitely is still around. She was like the women who talks on TV, no like those who read from the newspaper and smile frequently. Mother was crying. The day, I mean that day. I did say the woman came and said: "Excuse me ladies."
Then she said other things. She first put her hand on Grandmother's breasts. Grandma said, "But, Madam, I."
"Grandma!" Mother said.
She said it softly, but her face looked like when she says it loudly, like when she wants to scold me. She doesn't anymore. I wish she did. Even if she takes my hands and hits their backs twice, I wouldn't cry. She didn't scold me even when I took one of Dad's books. She just took it and put it back. You say it, "Maryam, you shouldn't touch Dad's things." I wanted to say, "But Dad will not come back." But I didn't. I thought if I don't say it, he will definitely come. If I touch his books, if I tear only one of them, he will appear.
He held my ears, but did not pull them hard, just a little and he said, "Dad will one day cut these two ears of his daughter and put them in her hand."
If I got disobedient or insisted on going with him, he said, "It is now time for Dad to come and hold two ears and look into her sick eyes." A day that he did, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't look unpleasantly. Uncle Naser can. Not now though. He took Mehri's ear and pulled. Dad couldn't.
Then we both laughed. We burst out laughing. Because I pulled Dad's ears too. Dad's ears were small.
When he sat opposite me, like this. She said, "You little lady, do you allow me?"
Grandmother said: "Why? Her as well?"
Mother said again: "Grandma, didn't you hear what the lady said?"
Then the woman pushed her hand into my hair. Mother had pleated my hair and gathered it on top of my head. I looked so pretty. That's why that woman kissed me. Then she pushed her hand. See, suppose now I am that woman. Well, if I push my hand underneath your skirt, would you like it? She did it to Mother too. With Grandma as well. Grandma said, "God forbid."
Mother did not say, "Grandma!" She should have.
The woman said: "You little lady, you are very pretty. Do you go to school?"
"No, she will go next year." Mother said.
It was not her business. I'll put my books in my bag. And I will make a flower with a red piece of ribbon like that of Uncle Naser's Mehri and stick it to my hair; mother would do that. I can count up to fifty.
Dad taught me. One, two, three, four; no I can't now. Dad said, "My daughter will become a painter. My daughter will sit behind her own desk and paint, while Dad does his work."
Then he sat behind his desk and read. No matter how many times I said, "Dad" he did not hear. Only when I shouted, "Dad, Dad!" did he take off his glasses and say, "What is it my dear?"
"See what I drew, Dad." I said.
"Let me see." He said.
Grandma used to say: "If you draw my picture once more, I'll burn your father." She thought she actually could do such a thing. Dad used to laugh. He would look and laugh. He would show it to Uncle Naser. It is not difficult. It is like this, this means Grandma's tummy; then, yes, this means her head, and these are her eyes. Her mouth should be quite big, meaning she is scolding me. Dad used to say, "Where is her nose?" "Her mouth is so big that you can't see it." I used to reply.
Like this one. Well now, Dwarfy, suppose you are sitting at your desk. This is Mom. Wait till I draw Grandma's hand. My hand was in Grandma's hand. Now you Dwarfy, get up from your desk, come close and smile. Say hello to Grandma and Mom. Then bend and hold my cheeks. Like this. It didn't hurt. But well, I don't like it now either.
Dwarfy, ask me: "What is your name?"
Grandma with her big mouth says: "Maryam." She kisses your hand. Then a man brought tea. He hadn't brought me any. I didn't mind. Now Grandma should say things that I wouldn't understand. Say it, talk about my dad. Say, "After all Sir, they are young. They have read things."
She meant Dad. Mother's face looked strange. Dwarfy, you shouldn't see. Stand opposite Grandma; you should be holding your tea, too. Say: "It depends on them. Whenever they come. I don't know. He talked in the newspaper. I suppose he wanted Dad to go. Sit like this and secretly look at the newspaper and talk constantly. Now you talk, talk like Mom, talk about father, things that Grandma wouldn't understand. Now, Dwarfy should say: "Very well. Go there tomorrow. Take the kid too if you want. He might accept her.
Grandma hit me with this part of her arm. I knew why she did it. I lowered my head. Grandma hit, she hit hard. I looked at her. She made a face. I could see only her nose. Now I should tell Dwarfy: "Sir, I want my father."
Dwarfy should say: "You go and see him, my dear. But don't forget to ask: "Father, when will you come back home?"
Mother said, "What if he does not accept?"
Dwarfy, you should realize that Mother means Dad.
Now say, "Persuade him, repeat a few times till he learns."
Mother said nothing more. Grandma said: "He means my son."
Dwarfy, say, no, first he should knot his hands behind his back and move toward his desk. Then he should say, "Well, well. I don't know what else to say."
Now, Dwarfy, suppose we are leaving, Mother, Grandma and I. Come close. Bend and say quietly: "You didn't tell me your name, you pretty girl."
Then say, "You should definitely go and see your father tomorrow."
There was no Father. He didn't come. Now I should say: "Mom, why doesn't Dad come?"
She said, "I don't know. He must hate me now."
Why Mom?
You say, "Dad is good, Mom."
"No, he is bad to hate me."
I told Mom that. She didn't say anything else and only wiped her eyes.
Grandma didn't come. She couldn't. She was sick in her bed, moaning all the time. Grandma's legs ached. Uncle Naser comes and sits by her bed and talks to her. He doesn't bring naughty Mehri, and when I go to Grandma, they stop talking. Now Dwarfy should say, no, don't say it. I will say it instead of Uncle Naser: "It is tomorrow Mother, tomorrow."
Grandma should say, "I wish I could see him. I am afraid to die and not be able to see my son."
"Don't say such things, Grandma." Mother said.
"I know I will not see him." Grandma said.
When Mother saw me, she stopped crying. She wasn't crying for Grandma. She cried for Dad.
Uncle Naser said, "They don't let anybody go there.
But well, it is possible to see him. I will go with my sister in law."
Mother said, "Brother!"
She didn't say it loud. Uncle Naser said, "You little devil, were you here all this time?"
I said, "I will come as well."
Now Mother should say, "Maryam?"
If she hadn't said that, they would have taken me. They didn't.
Uncle Naser said: "If you are a good girl, I'll buy you a big doll."
Dad never said, "If you are a good girl." He said, "What would you like it to look like?" I said, "Like that one. I want the one I have." Dad said, "If they mend it, it will look ugly."
Grandma should say, "Did you see him?"
Uncle Naser said, "Just for a minute, but he looked well."
I asked, "Did he have hair on his head?"
He said, "Yes, dear. And he told me: 'Uncle Naser should cut Maryam's ears and put them in her hand.'"
I said, "He didn't say that. He doesn't say it now." When Dad used to say that, I held my ears and escaped. Dad laughed and came after me.
Now Grandma should say, "Why didn't they let you go in?"
Uncle Naser said, "They had surrounded the place. They didn't let anybody go in."
I asked, "What does surround mean?"
Uncle Naser did not reply. Who cares? I know it myself. No doubt there were twenty no forty people like dwarves. You stand there, Dwarfy. And another one here. And many others. The china doll should have stood in the middle, if it were here. Mehri threw it on the ground on purpose. I know she did it on purpose.
Uncle Naser said, "They'll write about it in the newspapers tomorrow."
"I don't think so." Mother said.
"If my feet didn't ache. If I could." Grandma said.
Grandma cannot stand on her feet anymore. I wish she could. Uncle Naser and Mom hold her hands like the china doll whose legs fell off. Its head was broken into three pieces.
Dad said, "Go and throw it into the dustbin."
I asked, "Hasn't it died?"
"Dolls don't die, Dear. They break." Dad answered.
"No, they die. My doll died, like Grandpa."
I buried it in the garden. I dug out a small hole; I wrapped it in a white handkerchief and I buried it. I poured water on it too. Then I cut a few flowers and pulled out the petals and threw them on its grave. If Grandpa were around he wouldn't let me do that. That man sat next to Grandpa's grave. He was reading from a book that I couldn't understand. He read fast and nodded his head. We don't have roses. When Grandpa was around we did have them. Grandma said, "Then his sister went, picked up his bones and washed them with rosewater and buried them under the rose bush. Then he turned to a nightingale and flew. The nightingale went and sat. I can't tell you the rest now.
Grandma seemed sad. Uncle Naser said, "Don't cry mother. He'll stay there for a few years and then he'll come out."
"For how many years?" Mother asked.
You say, "How many years?" and then run to the other room. I wanted to cry too. But Dad said, "Don't cry."
Dad said, "Maryam shouldn't ask for Dad, not from them." He said that on the day that he didn't look like Dad. He was like the china doll on the day that Mehri broke it. His face looked strange. Mom had thrown herself on the bed. Uncle Naser said something that Mom said, you say it. No, don't say it. Mom said something bad. Mom is really bad. Sometimes she is bad when she is cross with Uncle Naser, when she talks about Dad.
Dad was great. He picked me up and put me on his shoulders. He said, "My dear Maryam should come and sit on Dad's shoulders and close her eyes too. Like this. And I would close my eyes. And climbed up his shoulders and when on top, he said, "Now, open your eyes."
I was up there. Next to the lamp, Mother said.
I did say it. Uncle Naser saw me. He said, "What are you doing here girl?"
Then they stopped talking. If they talked, if they talked in my presence, Dad would have come. That dwarf didn't let him. [You hit with these hands?" ?]
Dad is like the china doll. He has broken into pieces. You are bad. So I pull out your legs. I pull out your hands. I pull out your head. And I will not bury you as I buried my china doll below the rose bush. I'll throw you into the dustbin. I will not shed even one tear for you. But I can't control my tears.

Limonu Mighty

Once, in the Gorontalo area, there is a handsome and gallant young man named Limonu. His father had been killed in a battle when he was still in his mother's womb called Ohihiya. Therefore, since childhood he cared for and educated by his mother alone. When growing up, Limonu incorporated into the existing martial arts clubs in the area. From there Limonu can master the basics of martial arts.
One day, heard the news that the characters or the martial arts warriors from the north will hold a meeting in Fort Otanaha. During the meeting, a famous martial arts warrior named Hemuto will try out science high silatnya once held the inaugural ceremony for the martial arts warrior who has graduated. Hearing the news, Limonu intend to attend this meeting to learn from the Hemuto. It was his intention to convey to his mother.
Mother Limonu stunned for a moment. Hearing the name Hemuto, he became reminded of her husband and son who had died Thighs. Feelings of trauma because of the events that befall the two men whom she loved many years ago it was so hard he had to lose. Because the feeling is, if he is not willing to be a disciple of his beloved son Sir Hemuto. But on the other hand, he did not want it known by Limonu event. Therefore, he tries to give other reasons for Limonu not attend the meeting.
"Limoto, my son! Is not the meeting was only attended by the fighters that have been selected? We recommend only niatmu undo it. You have to practice more and memantangkan first silatmu science. After that, you can just follow the inaugural ceremony at Pak Hemuto association, "said Empress Ohihiya to his son.
Although her mother had tried to prevent it, Limonu still insisted on attending the meeting and wish to be a disciple of Mr. Hemuto. Limonu hard work it could not be stopped so that the empress Ohihiya have to give up his son's wishes.
The next day, when it grew dark, the characters begin to pack the place of martial arts in Fort Otanaha meeting. Meanwhile, Limonu newly arrived at the meeting will start straight into a meeting room to find a seat next to you seperguruannya. Once seated, he watched one at a martial arts leaders and invited guests. Once met with Hemuto view, it is subject to a salute. Mr. Hemuto also responded with a smile and then walked Limonu.
"Hi, young man! Who are you and from where? "Asked Mr. Hemuto.
"I Limonu Pak, residents in the vicinity of this fort," replied Limonu smiled and saluted.
"Oh yes, Limonu, if I may know what is the point coming into this event without being invited?" Mr. Hemuto again asked.
Hearing the question, any express intent Limonu presence at the show that he wanted to sit to Mr. Hemuto.
Hemuto Limonu just silent, looking with great interest. Apparently, he admired the young man's stature and courage to his eye. During this time, he rarely finds a brave young man. Therefore, Hemuto attracted to him the disciples for the sake of strengthening the death squads that will be formed. Finally, on another occasion, Mr. Hemuto expressed willingness to accept Limonu become his disciple in the hope that a brave young man will become the successor to his leadership.
What a happy heart because of his wish fulfilled by Limonu Pak Hemuto. Since then, Limonu be a disciple of Mr. Hemuto. He was very diligent practice and quickly mastered all the knowledge taught to him so that the more days the ability of science to match science teacher silatnya. Hemuto even more amazed at the courage and perseverance Limonu. Not surprisingly, regarded as the beloved disciple Limonu Hemuto.
One afternoon, when Limonu was busy cleaning the relics of his father's dagger in the yard, her mother suddenly came to him.
"Limonu, my son! There's something I want to tell you, "said his mother.
"What, Mom? It seems very important, "said Limonu while stopping their activities.
"We recommend that you save the first dagger. After that, then I'll tell you, "said his mother.
"Well, ma'am," answered Limonu keris while inserting into the sheath and put it in a carved teak box and then immediately put it in the room.
Returning back of the room, Limonu sitting beside her mother.
"There is no hell, Mom? Tell me, Limonu ready to hear it, "said Limonu curious.
"Limonu, my son. Now you're an adult. It is time for Mom to open this secret to you. Mother is not strong anymore bear this heavy burden, "he said.
"The secret of what, Mom?" Asked Limonu more curious.
Consort Ohihiya even tell you all about the father Limonu ranging from his position as ruler of the country until his desire to be king in two regions of the mainland of the West Mainland and the North Mainland.
"When you're still in the womb mother, your father is the ruler of this country. One time, your father wants to master the North Mainland area under the power Hemuto. My mother had advised him, but your father does not want the attack and become involved in a battle between the forces of West Mainland and the North Mainland. In that battle, killed your father and brother followed later Thighs that at the time as head of Brave Troops Dead, "explained the mother Limonu.
"So, who killed his father and brother Hams, Mom?" Asked Limonu curious.
Consort Ohihiya only heaved a deep breath. For him really hard to tell this to her beloved son.
"Say, Mom! Who the killer is actually the father and kaka Thighs? Limonu ready to avenge the death of their "urged Limonu.
Finally, the Empress Ohohiya also told that the person who had killed his father and older brother Pak Hemuto Limonu is that at the time as squad leader of North Mainland.
"What Mom? Mr. Hemuto? "Limonu surprised," Ah, is not possible, ma'am. It is impossible Hemuto teachers who do so. He was so good and has lowered silatnya science to me. "
"But, that's reality, my son" said his mother.
Limonu really do not believe in events that have happened to his family. In his reply to a fight between the obligations of his father and his brother's death and filial duty to his master. For Limonu, the fact it is a life choice that is very difficult to set. After long reflection, she decided to keep his revenge despite having to deal with the teacher himself.
Limonu a young man whose cunning and wise. He would avenge the death of his father in his own way without having rebellious against his teacher. He just wants to live in peace together with the surrounding population and also defend those who are weak. With this pretext, Limonu then formed death squads and practice martial arts moves higher.
After building a strong army, Limonu held meetings with the leaders and teachers of martial arts, including teacher Hemuto, to introduce troops. At the meeting, he intends to ask directly about his father's death to Mr. Hemuto. When his turn to report about the presence of his troops, at the time also Limonu ask a question to be answered solely by Mr. Hemuto.
"Master, if a father was killed in the battle to seize power, whether a child is allowed to continue the fight to avenge the death of his father?" Asked Limonu.
Hemuto gasped in surprise. Now, he realizes that in fact is the son of King Naha Limonu who want revenge for the death of his father's Demand. Not wanting to be embarrassed by his students in front of the crowd, Hemuto replied, "If I say ... yes, what is your plan? "
Finally, Limonu challenged his teacher to carry out the fight. But, before the fight starts, he proposed two options to the teacher, which is first entered into battle with the winner entitled to control the two terms of that land. The second choice is Mr. Hemuto must submit to the Limonu territory without having to fight. Handover of power was considered by Limonu as redeemer father and his brother's death.
Finally, Mr. Hemuto choose the first requirement because he did not want to lose without a fight so that his pride does not fall in front of crowds. Then in an instant, a meeting place was turned into the arena of battle between troops and Hemuto Limonu. In that battle, and his army pressed Hemuto and fled. However, the war did not end there. One time, Hemuto and his troops again attacked and laid siege to Fort Otanaha place Limonu defense and army. However, with clever tactics, and troops ousted Limonu big rocks from the top of the hill accompanied by throwing stones at troops Hemuto. Events throwing stones in Gorontalo language called "mo dembenga botu", because when they threw stones Limonu troops shouted "Dembenga .... Dembenga timongoliyo ...!" or "Throw ...! Hit them ...!"
In the event many Hemuto troops were killed and some others ran helter-skelter since pursued while stoned by Limonu troops to the north. According to the story, where the stone throwing incident manjadi name of the village that until recently known as the Village Dembe I. Meanwhile, place the end of the stone throwing by Limonu troops in the northern area called the Village Dembe II.

Taylor Swift “Speak Now” Tracklist

Sparks Fly
Back to December
Speak Now
The Story of Us
Never Grow Up
Last Kiss
Long Live